Introducing Sixty & Strong

Sixty and Strong (S&S) is a mindset, a lifestyle, and a decision to take back control of one's own health. It's about moving away from a passive approach to health and instead becoming proactive in taking care of one's own body. The founder of S&S shares his personal journey of how he took control of his own health and found success through exercise and a focus on wellness.

S&S encourages individuals to set goals for themselves, whether it be to walk the dog every day or pick up their grandchildren. It's about starting small and gradually building up, moving at your own pace. S&S also encourages individuals to use their doctor as a tool in their health journey and to not become dependent on medication as a solution.

The goal of S&S is to help individuals feel a sense of triumph and to live a fulfilling life instead of just existing. It's a movement towards taking control of one's health and finding success in wellness.

πŸ‘‰ We invite you to...

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  2. Buy a T-Shirt if you'd like!
  3. Check back often as we build content and more!

To your health,Β 


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Love it. Can’t wait to see more!


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